Welcome to my Website!

Hello, I'm Wendie McKnelly. I live on 120 acres in the beautiful Juniper mountain range in Northern Arizona. After many years in Phoenix, and a career that allowed me to travel all over the world, we have found the greatest beauty and peace on our ranch. Surrounded by colorful birds, beautiful gardens, mule deer, along with a herd of antelope and wild burros within a mile of the ranch…the ranch is truly a perfect paradise. While the ranch is remote, it has all the creature comforts including electricity and water. Those two conveniences have allowed me to create a wonderful retreat from a busy life.
This website is a collection of pictures and stories about the ranch, friends, family and travels. Enjoy!
Use the links on the left to view pictures and stories about our ranch, friends, travel and family.
I've consolidated our photos into new categories to make your web surfing easier on the site. There are many pictures of the gardens, the ranch in winter/spring/summer and fall/ Northern Arizona provides the perfect climate for growing apples, pears, peaches and many other delicious fruits and vegetables. We enjoy sweet corn, abundant tomatoes, bell peppers, cilantro, squash, cantaloupe, watermelon and green beans.
When I am not traveling as an Oracle Training Consultant, through my business: Sierra Verde Consulting, I am enjoying every moment of peace, quite and solitude on the beautiful mountain ranch.. To our friends...you are always welcome for a retreat get-a-way and loads of fun among the pines, cedar and juniper trees. Below are a few pictures of our family. There are many more under the links at the left!
Contact me through email at: wendie@wendiemcknelly.com I am also on LInkedin, Twitter and Facebook
This website is a collection of pictures and stories about the ranch, friends, family and travels. Enjoy!
Use the links on the left to view pictures and stories about our ranch, friends, travel and family.
I've consolidated our photos into new categories to make your web surfing easier on the site. There are many pictures of the gardens, the ranch in winter/spring/summer and fall/ Northern Arizona provides the perfect climate for growing apples, pears, peaches and many other delicious fruits and vegetables. We enjoy sweet corn, abundant tomatoes, bell peppers, cilantro, squash, cantaloupe, watermelon and green beans.
When I am not traveling as an Oracle Training Consultant, through my business: Sierra Verde Consulting, I am enjoying every moment of peace, quite and solitude on the beautiful mountain ranch.. To our friends...you are always welcome for a retreat get-a-way and loads of fun among the pines, cedar and juniper trees. Below are a few pictures of our family. There are many more under the links at the left!
Contact me through email at: wendie@wendiemcknelly.com I am also on LInkedin, Twitter and Facebook
Welcome 2024 - More Adventures Ahead!

Early in 2023 I had the privilege of meeting Misty, Matt and Marty Raney from the TV show, Homestead Rescue. Here we are at Paradise Ranch with Alyssa a local homesteader who was helped by the show. Misty and the crew came to Paradise Ranch to see what is possible to create from raw land if you put your heart and soul into your homestead. They filmed the grounds and gardens, and although our footage didn't make the show, it was a great experience! Misty is a genuinely down-to-earth person and we thoroughly enjoyed our time together, sharing gardening tips and tricks and stories of making dreams come true! Marty Raney is a giant of a man with matching talent. He has knowlege about all things homestead!
Homestead Rescue is on the Discovery Channel and the Seligman, AZ (Mesa Meltdown) episode is Season 11 Episode 9. You'll see Alyssa's family learn from the best!
Homestead Rescue is on the Discovery Channel and the Seligman, AZ (Mesa Meltdown) episode is Season 11 Episode 9. You'll see Alyssa's family learn from the best!
Another Year of Helping Charity Organizations
I am currently helping the Seligman Care Club, Seligman American Legion Unit 123, Yavapai Humane Trappers and Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority. The organizations keep me busy and all give me the opporturnity to give back to our communities.
2021-2022 Board of Directors and Fostering for Yavapai Humane Trappers
In 2021 I began a new adventure! We have always selected rescue dogs as our pets, but this year, I became a devoted advocate for animals by volunteering with Yavapai Humane Trappers out of Chino Valley/Prescott, AZ. My first two fosters were Skipper and Gracie. They were surrendered by a young woman who was already over-whelmed with a new baby of her own when her dog gave birth to 8 puppies. We raised them until they were adopted.
My next adventure was a young pit bull who had been used as a bait dog for illegal dog fighting. The little guy was ripped to shreds, had mange and severe body injuries. We kept him isolated from our animals as we treated his wounds, earned his trust and help all his wounds heal. He was a wonderful pitty,.who never showed anything but a sweet personality. Once his wounds healed and his fur grew back, he was successfully adopted to a police officer and his wife. They adore Ferdinand.
Yavapai Humane Trappers rescued a very pregnant dog who had been dumped in the high desert to fend for herself and most likely would have died if not for these outstanding search and rescue team members. We took her in and four days later she gave birth to eight adorable puppies. We raised the pups until they were four months old. One by one they were adopted into their forever homes. What happened to the mother dog...she blended so beautifully with our other four dogs that we adopted Daisy Mae. She joins our family and we are honored to have her. TO DONATE to this very worthy 501 c (3) non-profit organization, please visit www.yavapaihumanetrappers.org and click on DONATE. EVERY dollar donated goes to search/rescue/medical/and forever foster medical for senior abandoned dogs..
In September, I was asked to join the Board of Directors for Yavapai Humane Trappers. My retirement is certainly not boring or mundane! I am the webmaster for both Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority and Yavapai Humane Trappers as well as Treasurer for both. I also hold positions on the SPG Morale Committee, Advisory Committee and I am Counselor for Arizona..
My next adventure was a young pit bull who had been used as a bait dog for illegal dog fighting. The little guy was ripped to shreds, had mange and severe body injuries. We kept him isolated from our animals as we treated his wounds, earned his trust and help all his wounds heal. He was a wonderful pitty,.who never showed anything but a sweet personality. Once his wounds healed and his fur grew back, he was successfully adopted to a police officer and his wife. They adore Ferdinand.
Yavapai Humane Trappers rescued a very pregnant dog who had been dumped in the high desert to fend for herself and most likely would have died if not for these outstanding search and rescue team members. We took her in and four days later she gave birth to eight adorable puppies. We raised the pups until they were four months old. One by one they were adopted into their forever homes. What happened to the mother dog...she blended so beautifully with our other four dogs that we adopted Daisy Mae. She joins our family and we are honored to have her. TO DONATE to this very worthy 501 c (3) non-profit organization, please visit www.yavapaihumanetrappers.org and click on DONATE. EVERY dollar donated goes to search/rescue/medical/and forever foster medical for senior abandoned dogs..
In September, I was asked to join the Board of Directors for Yavapai Humane Trappers. My retirement is certainly not boring or mundane! I am the webmaster for both Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority and Yavapai Humane Trappers as well as Treasurer for both. I also hold positions on the SPG Morale Committee, Advisory Committee and I am Counselor for Arizona..
2020-2021 Oh What a Year!
I didn't post much last year, because I had a pretty bad accident. I was 14 feet up on an extension ladder. It started to slide out from under me. There was NO good choice...so, I jumped 14 feet down to concrete. I folded my arms so I couldn't try to break the fall, because I knew that I'd break both arms. The emergency room said I should have died - but I didn't. I should have split my skull open, but it swelled out side not inside. Many CT scans throughout the night showed no internal bleeding.
I broke my shoulder blade, ribs and my leg split up the middle...BUT none of my bones displaced. They said it was a miracle. I have always been physically fit and I've always had great bone density. I spent a month in the hospital, then months of physical therapy. Everything grew back together. I have NO lasting effects of the traumatic brain injury.. Life everyday to the fullest, because no one knows what tomorrow will bring! I spent my time in the wheelchair crocheting hats for those in need, mailing cards to sick friends and keeping myself busy l by building a new website for my physical therapists.
I broke my shoulder blade, ribs and my leg split up the middle...BUT none of my bones displaced. They said it was a miracle. I have always been physically fit and I've always had great bone density. I spent a month in the hospital, then months of physical therapy. Everything grew back together. I have NO lasting effects of the traumatic brain injury.. Life everyday to the fullest, because no one knows what tomorrow will bring! I spent my time in the wheelchair crocheting hats for those in need, mailing cards to sick friends and keeping myself busy l by building a new website for my physical therapists.

This was the view from my hospital bed for a month. With Covid, no visitors were allowed, so Facebook was my contact with the outside world. Before the accident...life was running at full throttle! I learned how to use Russian tips for cake decorating, Darryl helped me build a beautiful new protected garden. The flowers were in full bloom...retreats for my friends were all booked two years in advance.
Ranch retreats will continue in the fall of 2022! Oh...did I mention we had both a very large MOUNTAIN LION and a bear cub right outside our front gate. We DO LIVE in the woods! It is the charm of mountain living.
We raised a lot of money for charity, did many service projects and raised funds for the Seligman, AZ Volunteer Fire Department. They are the ones who rushed out to the ranch to save me after the fall. Best Fireman ever! They are my heroes. I live to raise more funds to help them!
I enjoyed a cruise with some of my high school friends from Indiana. What a wonderful way to reconnect with great people. Then last summer, my dear friend since I was a young girl...died of cancer. I had a bitter-sweet trip back to Indiana. She held onto life long enough for my visit. She and I were able to speak. The nurse was shocked, as she had been unresponsive before I arrived. Diana passed later that night. Nothing is more powerful to give closure to a lifelong friendship than being able to say and hear 'I love you'. God rest her soul.
Did I mention the ICE STORM! Holy cow, we had hundreds and hundreds of destroyed trees. One tree snapped on top of our Tahoe, another tree snapped and destroyed our green house. The good news, we were stocked up and prepared to endure the power outage. Our wood-burning stove kept us warm and the generator kept our refrigerators cold. We were not injured!
I know I've been long winded, on this post...but it has been a while since I posted. Take care, please donate to help an animal rescue such as www.yavapaihumanetrappers.org or a local Fire Department such as Seligman, Arizona's volunteer Fire Department - Make donations to Seligman Fire. PO BOX 74. Seligman, AZ 86337-0074.

My Forever Valentine...On February 16, 2018, I lost my dear brother to pancreatic cancer. Born on Valentine's Day, Terry was able to share his birthday with his family...and gently slipped into his forever, heavenly home just two days later. He and I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, and moved to Highland, Indiana as teenagers. Footprints on my heart. I will forever carry his memory in my heart. Never let an opportunity pass to tell someone you love them. Cherish the time you have with friends and family. Tomorrow is not promised. Blessings to all reading this.
Ranch Events for Spring 2018
The ranch retreats are full for 2018. We expect almost 60 friends and family to visit the gardens and trails this year. As many of you know, I add new items every year to keep the property fresh and interesting. This year, I built new cedar and redwood planters for the gardens. There are approximately 12 new planters. I'll include a few pictures so you have an idea what they look like. Everything is growing and starting to bloom for the 2018 season. I just updated the living room with a bright, soft blue that really contrasts nicely with the new furniture. Just finished reupholstering the dining room chairs and new carpet will be installed in June. Busy times keeping the ranch in tip top shape for visitors.
It's a busy spring, with a graduation in San Antonio in early May, family visiting in early June, and International convention in mid June, a ranch BBQ event the end of June. In between, I've stayed busy embroidering, and sewing for items that will generate donations to our local charities. One of our big projects this winter was our 'Positivity Quilt'. Just imagine wrapping yourself, or a loved one in a beautiful quilt with embroidered words that empower, and lift your spirits! We have already had a wonderful response to the tickets...they will be sold until October 14, 2018, when a lucky winner will be selected. Each opportunity ticket is $5.00 or you can get 5 tickets for a $20.00 donation. Our charity is a homeless shelter for veterans. Contact: wendie@wendiemcknelly.com for more information!
It's a busy spring, with a graduation in San Antonio in early May, family visiting in early June, and International convention in mid June, a ranch BBQ event the end of June. In between, I've stayed busy embroidering, and sewing for items that will generate donations to our local charities. One of our big projects this winter was our 'Positivity Quilt'. Just imagine wrapping yourself, or a loved one in a beautiful quilt with embroidered words that empower, and lift your spirits! We have already had a wonderful response to the tickets...they will be sold until October 14, 2018, when a lucky winner will be selected. Each opportunity ticket is $5.00 or you can get 5 tickets for a $20.00 donation. Our charity is a homeless shelter for veterans. Contact: wendie@wendiemcknelly.com for more information!
October 2017 Fall at the Ranch
We enjoyed almost 50 visitors this year at the ranch, with a few more still coming later this fall. The gardens were beautiful and our orchards produced an amazing crop of apples, peaches, pears and Asian pears. We stopped canning at over 1,000 pounds of fruit. Then we gave nine neighbors each a 40 pound bag. Finally, a friend from California came over and took another 200 pounds of apples home. We left two pear trees un-picked and left them for the birds. This is my 17th year on the ranch, and each season provides more reasons to love this wonderful ranch called 'Paradise'. Wishing you all a Blessed Thanks Giving holliday! I'll post again at Christmas.
ALASKA ... JUNE 2017
On June 2, 2017 we headed up to Vancouver, BC to begin a fantastic two-week trip to Alaska. We visited the Butchart Garden and Stanley Park in Vancouver before our Royal Caribbean cruise begain. Our trip consisted of a 7-day cruise followed by a 6 day land tour through Denali, Fairbanks, Talkeetna, and other beautiful locations. Words cannot describe the beauty of Alaska, or the unbelievable amount of animals we saw. Put this on your bucket list! Don't miss the Kenai Fjords river cruise ( in Seward), the narrow gauge railroad, the river cruise in Fairbanks, the Wilderness Express train ride through the Alaskan wilderness. The dinner on the Wilderness train was incredible. Best prime rib dinner I have EVER had! Have you been to Alaska? Leave a note on my blog!
January 2017
What an exciting year we have just entered. We have a new President who will take office in just a few weeks, and we lost some great talent last year. I have great expectations for this year. After five years in a leadershiip role for Sigma Phi Gamma, I will return to membership status. I am really looking forward to being among the members again! My bout with cancer last year, seems to be a battle won, and I am extremely grateful for that. I still work as a computer consultant and have worked remotely this year for a client in Texas. It's a perfect situation, giving me time at the ranch! Use the blog section of this site to let me know what adventures/events you have planned for 2017. My family is all doing great, dogs/cats all fine. The turtle gets bigger every year, she's 7 years old this year! I've gotten to ride in the WalMart tractor with my husband this year a few times, and I love it! Did you know that WalMart is a huge contributor to Wreaths Across America? They contribute large amounts of money, trucks, people and time to help make the honoring of our Military across this great nation a success. Walmart is a great company. They have outstanding benefits, good wages and they treat their employees very well. My husband has been a proud driver for WalMart for almost 15 years! I'll be visiting friends and family in Indiana in the early spring and later this spring, my husband Darryl and I will be taking a two week cruise/land tour of Alaska. We are really looking forward to it as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. Wow...those years flew by.! My spring gardening is just around the corner as is the vegetable garden! Friends have already filled up the ranch retreats for 2017..busy, busy times as always! Happy New Year! |
Ranch Retreats are FULL for Fall 2016!

I just returned home from our Sigma Phi Gamma International Convention in Columbus, Ohio. This year, I had the privilege to serve as the International President. The Portland, Oregon girls talked to me about coming to a retreat at the ranch.
This year;s retreats are already full, as I only do three retreats each year.
the girls are already planning for fall 2017. The retreats are a fun week-end of friendship and giving to a local charity. Last year and this year, the funds collected will be used to help disabled Veterans. My friends come in from New York, Kansas, Ohio, Arizona, California...and next year the group will grow to include Oregon!
We are all members of Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority. The retreats are a great way to have a tremendous amount of fun while helping those less fortunate. If you would like to know more about Sigma Phi Gamma, visit www.sigmaphigamma.org. There's lots of good information on the website and contact information. We are women of all ages and backgrounds with a focus on friendship and community service. FRIENDSHIP SERVICE COMMUNITY!
This year;s retreats are already full, as I only do three retreats each year.
the girls are already planning for fall 2017. The retreats are a fun week-end of friendship and giving to a local charity. Last year and this year, the funds collected will be used to help disabled Veterans. My friends come in from New York, Kansas, Ohio, Arizona, California...and next year the group will grow to include Oregon!
We are all members of Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority. The retreats are a great way to have a tremendous amount of fun while helping those less fortunate. If you would like to know more about Sigma Phi Gamma, visit www.sigmaphigamma.org. There's lots of good information on the website and contact information. We are women of all ages and backgrounds with a focus on friendship and community service. FRIENDSHIP SERVICE COMMUNITY!

Happy Halloween 2015!
This is just one of many costumes I have designed over the past years. I'll be wearing it to a ranch party this year. Hope you have some fun plans for this celebration of fall!
Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority is busy making money to help less fortunate families during this Holiday season. From rummage sales to bake sales the women who belong to this worthy organization are giving of their talent and time to make the Holidays a little brighter. Have you heard of Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority? We are not college based. There are thousands of us across the United States and Canada. We have a variety of backgrounds but we are united in our friendship and caring for our communities. Check out our website: www.sigmaphigamma.org for more information!
We also have a Facebook page where you can read lot's of interesting stories about how we help our communities!
Have fun and stay safe this Halloween!
This is just one of many costumes I have designed over the past years. I'll be wearing it to a ranch party this year. Hope you have some fun plans for this celebration of fall!
Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority is busy making money to help less fortunate families during this Holiday season. From rummage sales to bake sales the women who belong to this worthy organization are giving of their talent and time to make the Holidays a little brighter. Have you heard of Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority? We are not college based. There are thousands of us across the United States and Canada. We have a variety of backgrounds but we are united in our friendship and caring for our communities. Check out our website: www.sigmaphigamma.org for more information!
We also have a Facebook page where you can read lot's of interesting stories about how we help our communities!
Have fun and stay safe this Halloween!

July 2015- The beginning of a busy year! Last year I was the International Vice President of Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority, and this year, I was elected as the International President at South Bend, IN. What an honor. My theme this year is one simple word that carries a lot of power...'Believe'. This is the year I am asking the women of this great community-minded organization to believe in their own talent, strength and their ability to make a difference in their local communities. We have chapters across the United States and Canada. Together we have raised and given thousands of dollars each year to worthy local and national charities. This year, we will focus on growth to bring new, worthy women into our local chapters. If you are interested in learning more about this outstanding women's organization, visit us on Facebook: Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority, or contact us through our webpage: www.sigmanphigamma.org. It will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. A great network of women, of all ages, supporting and encouraging each other while helping their communities.

Spring 2015 Skit night at convention is always a fun time. This year was no diferent. I had so much fun being in three skits. One was about hobo's...singing Side by Side, in one, I was the leader of the 'Blooming Sisters', and in a third..I appeared as the 'Spirit Guide' while the fortune teller gave her readings. Lot's of fun, laughs and chartiy during the events. This is the 37th year I have enjoyed this wonderful group of women. Many of them are like mothers to me, others are like little sisters...together, we are a force 'of good' to be sure! We have helped Childhood Cancer, Crons & Collitis, Foundation Fighting Blindness, Homeless Shelters, Project Cuddle, Youth on Their Own, Firefighters, and on and on.

February 3, 2015
Winter on the ranch has been amazingly MILD. We had snow once, and mostly 50-60 degree days...weird. As the Int'l Vice President of Sigma Phi Gamma, I stayed busy reviewing and approving Chapter Bylaws all fall and winter. My brother Terry and Linda will be visiting next week, followed by my visitations to the Sigma Phi Gamma Business Office and Chi Province. The first of March, I will attend Sigma Province in Tucson, AZ. We will all dress as Saloon Girls. This will be my last term as Sigma Province President. Next year, I will have the honor of being the International President of Sigma Phi Gamma. If you don't know, Sigma Phi Gamma is a community service and friendship organization. I have been a member for over 37 years. Can't imagine my life without this inspirational group of women. We are located all across the United States and Windsor Canada! I continue to learn new skills (along with my career as an Oracle Education Consultant!). I am etching glass, working with woodworking tools, embroidering and sewing.
The dogs, cats, fish and turtle are all thriving on the ranch!
In just a month, I will be busy planting the gardens and veggies for this year. There will be three ranch retreats planned for fall. Last year, friends from Ohio, New York and Indiana flew out to enjoy the ranch. This year, additional friends from New York are making plans to visit! Wishing everyone a healthy, happy year. Remember, every day of your life is an opportunity to learn something new, help a less fortunate person, and make this world a little kinder than yesterday!
Winter on the ranch has been amazingly MILD. We had snow once, and mostly 50-60 degree days...weird. As the Int'l Vice President of Sigma Phi Gamma, I stayed busy reviewing and approving Chapter Bylaws all fall and winter. My brother Terry and Linda will be visiting next week, followed by my visitations to the Sigma Phi Gamma Business Office and Chi Province. The first of March, I will attend Sigma Province in Tucson, AZ. We will all dress as Saloon Girls. This will be my last term as Sigma Province President. Next year, I will have the honor of being the International President of Sigma Phi Gamma. If you don't know, Sigma Phi Gamma is a community service and friendship organization. I have been a member for over 37 years. Can't imagine my life without this inspirational group of women. We are located all across the United States and Windsor Canada! I continue to learn new skills (along with my career as an Oracle Education Consultant!). I am etching glass, working with woodworking tools, embroidering and sewing.
The dogs, cats, fish and turtle are all thriving on the ranch!
In just a month, I will be busy planting the gardens and veggies for this year. There will be three ranch retreats planned for fall. Last year, friends from Ohio, New York and Indiana flew out to enjoy the ranch. This year, additional friends from New York are making plans to visit! Wishing everyone a healthy, happy year. Remember, every day of your life is an opportunity to learn something new, help a less fortunate person, and make this world a little kinder than yesterday!

July 20, 2014
What a busy spring and summer! I worked as and Oracle Education Consultant for Kirby Marine in Oklahoma in the early spring. Then it was time for my Sigma Phi Gamma Province Meeting. I am the Province President this year.
Friends, Glenda/Ernie Adams and Pam/Joe Luyster-Quaglia visited from Indiana in early June. We had a wonderful time on the ranch. I graduated from Highland High School with Glenda and Pam. They took me to see Celine Dion in Las Vegas - fabulous show. Then, I was off to the SPG International Convention in Indianapolis Indiana. I took a couple extra days, and met up with 42 friends from the Highland, IN area for dinner. At convention, I was elected as the International Vice President for Sigma Phi Gamma. What an honor after 36 years of serving my community. I had two very qualified competitors for the position, so it was a special surprise when I was elected.
The weekend of July 25th, SPG friends from Las Vegas and California will visit the ranch, then in August I will go to California to see a new chapter added to our chain of friendship. In September/October several friends will be visiting the ranch. Spring projects included re-painting the house, re-modeling the kitchen and helping a neighbor put up and stretch 1500' of ranch fence
On July 18th, my nephew Michael Whittle returned safely from a tour of duty in Afganistan. So proud of his service to our country. His beautiful wife Clarissa and about 50 friends and family gave him a hero's welcome home.
What a busy spring and summer! I worked as and Oracle Education Consultant for Kirby Marine in Oklahoma in the early spring. Then it was time for my Sigma Phi Gamma Province Meeting. I am the Province President this year.
Friends, Glenda/Ernie Adams and Pam/Joe Luyster-Quaglia visited from Indiana in early June. We had a wonderful time on the ranch. I graduated from Highland High School with Glenda and Pam. They took me to see Celine Dion in Las Vegas - fabulous show. Then, I was off to the SPG International Convention in Indianapolis Indiana. I took a couple extra days, and met up with 42 friends from the Highland, IN area for dinner. At convention, I was elected as the International Vice President for Sigma Phi Gamma. What an honor after 36 years of serving my community. I had two very qualified competitors for the position, so it was a special surprise when I was elected.
The weekend of July 25th, SPG friends from Las Vegas and California will visit the ranch, then in August I will go to California to see a new chapter added to our chain of friendship. In September/October several friends will be visiting the ranch. Spring projects included re-painting the house, re-modeling the kitchen and helping a neighbor put up and stretch 1500' of ranch fence
On July 18th, my nephew Michael Whittle returned safely from a tour of duty in Afganistan. So proud of his service to our country. His beautiful wife Clarissa and about 50 friends and family gave him a hero's welcome home.
October 19, 2013

Fall is in full color at the ranch. The evening temperatures are dropping and the trees are all giving us a beautiful display of glorious orange, yellow and red! Enjoy...I certainly am taking in the views at the ranch. Next week-end a classmate from Salt Lake City, Utah and his wife will visit the ranch. My hope is that the colors will hold on until they are here to enjoy it!
September 17, 2013

September and October are the most beautiful months at the ranch. The summer rains enhance the gardens, the vegetable garden is providing us with more veggies than we can eat...so we share with neighbors. This year, we are having three groups of friends at the ranch...33 people in total for week-end retreats. We eat, laugh, sit under the stars, play on the ATV's riding the mountain trails surrounding the ranch.
Our three rescue dogs are doing great...they are wonderful companions and so well-behaved that they are a pleasure to be around. This year, they will turn 3 years old. Our rescue cats get along great with the dogs, and the house remains as peaceful as the surroundings.
This year, instead of traveling as an Oracle Consultant, I have begun to focus more on remote projects. I have colaborated with Beyond Feedback with is a highly respected company out of San Antonio, Texas. I will always be thankful for the wonderful contracts I fulfilled over the years with o2Works, CSIFL, and Cedar Crestone. They are all outstanding Oracle partners and it was an honor to work with their consulting teams.
I had several trips this year. I made a surprise visit to Omaha, NE this summer to surprise Morgan Taylor at her graduation. I attended the Sigma Phi Gamma International Sororities' convention in Charleston, SC. Then I was off to Highland, IN for my high school reunion, and finally, I drove to California to join my Chi Province sisters for a day at the races at Del Mar. Now, I am settling in and hosting friends at the ranch on week-ends. Wishing all of our friends a wonderful fall...good
Our three rescue dogs are doing great...they are wonderful companions and so well-behaved that they are a pleasure to be around. This year, they will turn 3 years old. Our rescue cats get along great with the dogs, and the house remains as peaceful as the surroundings.
This year, instead of traveling as an Oracle Consultant, I have begun to focus more on remote projects. I have colaborated with Beyond Feedback with is a highly respected company out of San Antonio, Texas. I will always be thankful for the wonderful contracts I fulfilled over the years with o2Works, CSIFL, and Cedar Crestone. They are all outstanding Oracle partners and it was an honor to work with their consulting teams.
I had several trips this year. I made a surprise visit to Omaha, NE this summer to surprise Morgan Taylor at her graduation. I attended the Sigma Phi Gamma International Sororities' convention in Charleston, SC. Then I was off to Highland, IN for my high school reunion, and finally, I drove to California to join my Chi Province sisters for a day at the races at Del Mar. Now, I am settling in and hosting friends at the ranch on week-ends. Wishing all of our friends a wonderful fall...good
June 1, 2013

June will be my last issue of BUDDIE, the International magazine of Sigma Phi Gamma as my two-year term is ending. I will continue next year to provide layout/graphic design to the organization.
Spring has been beautiful at the ranch this year. All the roses, dianthus, daisies, marigolds, coreopis, snapdragons, and petunias are all in bloom by the end of May. The Honeysuckle bushes just bloomed yesterday...making the entire waterfall area smell like an orange grove.
Darryl's daughter and family made a short visit to the ranch. Scott took some amazing pictures of the flora/fauna of the ranch. His camera goes up to 36 megapixels...he should be a professional photographer. I've included a few of his photos for your enjoyment.
In July, I will be in Charleston, SC for convention followed by a visit from my son George and family. We are so proud of my grandson, Noah who has achieved greatness this past year in both his music, martial arts and academics. Luke will be driving soon. He is a shart shooter, so during their visit, we will be target shooting at the ranch.
I have been embroidering for almost 6 months now. My work is for sale at the Route 66 Roadrunner Cafe in Seligman, AZ and through Sigma Phi Gamma. I have been able to send many gifts to family and friends.
In early May, I pulled off a wonderful surprise for Morgan Taylor in Bellevue, NE. I had her convinced that I did not know she was graduating...and the squeals of joy when she saw me in her front room...PRICELESS! I know her father, Doug Taylor, who passed away two years ago was smiling that day! I had a chance to visit with Kelly, Miranda and Micah before I headed home to the ranch. Several friends came over for a small BBQ and tomorrow will find us on the other side of the ranch enjoying fellowship with another group of friends. The ranch is paradise. I can't imagine living in a city again after knowing the charm, peace and beauty of our ranch.
Spring has been beautiful at the ranch this year. All the roses, dianthus, daisies, marigolds, coreopis, snapdragons, and petunias are all in bloom by the end of May. The Honeysuckle bushes just bloomed yesterday...making the entire waterfall area smell like an orange grove.
Darryl's daughter and family made a short visit to the ranch. Scott took some amazing pictures of the flora/fauna of the ranch. His camera goes up to 36 megapixels...he should be a professional photographer. I've included a few of his photos for your enjoyment.
In July, I will be in Charleston, SC for convention followed by a visit from my son George and family. We are so proud of my grandson, Noah who has achieved greatness this past year in both his music, martial arts and academics. Luke will be driving soon. He is a shart shooter, so during their visit, we will be target shooting at the ranch.
I have been embroidering for almost 6 months now. My work is for sale at the Route 66 Roadrunner Cafe in Seligman, AZ and through Sigma Phi Gamma. I have been able to send many gifts to family and friends.
In early May, I pulled off a wonderful surprise for Morgan Taylor in Bellevue, NE. I had her convinced that I did not know she was graduating...and the squeals of joy when she saw me in her front room...PRICELESS! I know her father, Doug Taylor, who passed away two years ago was smiling that day! I had a chance to visit with Kelly, Miranda and Micah before I headed home to the ranch. Several friends came over for a small BBQ and tomorrow will find us on the other side of the ranch enjoying fellowship with another group of friends. The ranch is paradise. I can't imagine living in a city again after knowing the charm, peace and beauty of our ranch.
October 22, 2012

What a busy summer! This year, I learned how to make donuts, giant cinnamon rolls, home-made Italian sausage. I've started propagating many of the plants around the ranch. My Koi, for the first time in 6 years had BABIES. I've set up an aquarium inside to let about 35 Koi babies grow over the winter. I'll release them back to the pond in mid-spring. My position as International Editor for Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority, Inc. has kept me busy. What a rewarding opportunity my position has given me as I put my graphic and design abilities to work for a great organization! This is the first year I actually held 'real consulting' work to part-time. I hope to continue the balance of life/work again next year. The ranch is absolutely beautiful this fall with all the changing colors, mums in full bloom along with snap dragons, salvia, and petunias. As the nights get cooler, they will all fade away until next season.
The dogs and cats are all doing great. The turtle is growing! She is about 11" in length now, quite a change from that little turtle I held in the palm of my hand a few years ago.
The vegetable garden and orchard did great this year. We've enjoyed sugar snap peas, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, chives, jalapenos, green beans and zucchini. We had so many apples this year, that my freezers are full of ready-to-bake apple pies! The pantry is full of home-made jams and apple sauce as well as canned pears. I think this winter will be full of warm fires in the wood buring stove, and great comfort food!
My brother, Terry experienced a mild stroke earlier this year. Thankfully, he is recovering very well and almost back to 100%.
Wishing all our friends and family a wonderful Thanksgiving. We don't see you often, but you are always in our heart and best thoughts!
The dogs and cats are all doing great. The turtle is growing! She is about 11" in length now, quite a change from that little turtle I held in the palm of my hand a few years ago.
The vegetable garden and orchard did great this year. We've enjoyed sugar snap peas, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, chives, jalapenos, green beans and zucchini. We had so many apples this year, that my freezers are full of ready-to-bake apple pies! The pantry is full of home-made jams and apple sauce as well as canned pears. I think this winter will be full of warm fires in the wood buring stove, and great comfort food!
My brother, Terry experienced a mild stroke earlier this year. Thankfully, he is recovering very well and almost back to 100%.
Wishing all our friends and family a wonderful Thanksgiving. We don't see you often, but you are always in our heart and best thoughts!
SPG Mountain Retreat Huge Success August 17-18-19, 2012

What a wonderful time we had at the ranch. Sigma Phi members from California, Arizona and Ohio all came together for a fun time filled with laugher, fun and friendship. Michelle from Ohio was able to spend a little extra time at the ranch, which included a great trip to the Grand Canyon. Additional members from other states are already talking about future retreats at the ranch.
Sigma Phi Gamma provides an opportunity for friendship and community service. It is a pleasure to share our ranch with my SPG sisters!
Sigma Phi Gamma provides an opportunity for friendship and community service. It is a pleasure to share our ranch with my SPG sisters!
March 18, 2012 - WHAT IS THIS WHITE STUFF!

Hey, Mr. Weatherman...you are very confused...Arizona is supposed to be 70-80 degrees, sunny and spring....Chicago/Michigan/Ohio/New York are supposed to be a winter wonderland. What's going on...we woke up to a beautiful snow storm...and Chicago is setting an all-time record heat wave of 80 degrees today!
Both I-40 and I-17 are closed, so we are snow-bound and enjoying the warmth of a nice fire place. By next week-end, spring will return to Arizona. I hope so...many of our treees were already blossoming....not good!
Both I-40 and I-17 are closed, so we are snow-bound and enjoying the warmth of a nice fire place. By next week-end, spring will return to Arizona. I hope so...many of our treees were already blossoming....not good!
March 2012

Visitations as the International Editor for Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority. What an adventure I have had, visiting charitable women around the United States who belong to this very worthwhile organization. This spring, I visited Detroit/Windsor-Canada, Columbus, Ohio, Phoenix, Arizona and Denver, Colorado. It is overwhelming seeing the creative ways that the members find fun ways to raise money and give to local charities. The Phoenix group enjoyed an evening of 'Teddy Bears on Parade' then the bears were donated to the Firefighters for distribution to small children who have experienced crisis' in their lives. A very inspirational night...giving is such a rewarding activity. I am so very proud to be part of this worthy and community-minded organization!
Back in Chicago Again! November 2011 Updates

Call me crazy, but a great client requested that I come to help out in the Chicago area (Lincolnshire, IL). That's right Virginia, it's November...going straight into another Chicago winter! This opportunity will find me learning a new Oracle product: Siebel. I'll be wearing lots of hats on this project, as I help proof documents, provide some documentation, schedule classes, teach a few small groups via Webex, and anything else where I can lend a hand.
All the animals are doing great at the ranch, with dogs and cats now co-habiting! Darryl is working and enjoying some fall wood cutting in preparation of the cold weather coming our way. The fall colors were magnificient this year with florescent yellows, oranges and reds.
All the animals are doing great at the ranch, with dogs and cats now co-habiting! Darryl is working and enjoying some fall wood cutting in preparation of the cold weather coming our way. The fall colors were magnificient this year with florescent yellows, oranges and reds.
Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority- New Int'l Editor

Jerry Hymer is the official photographer for my charity organization. I have to say, he continues to take the BEST pictures of me. Don't know how he does it, but he has such a talent for lighting and position! This picture was taken June 26, 2011 in Palm Springs.
I am working on the first issue of the BUDDIE which is the Int'l magazine for Sigma Phi Gamma. It will be distributed to the membership in September. My editing experience comes from being a stringer for a local newspaper as a teenager, an editor on my high school yearbook as well as the Jr. and high school newspaper, In my career, I author educational materials. Everything in my life, has led me to this place, and the time is now!
Of course, I continue to teach the Oracle database as an independent education consultant. At the end of August I will begin a training project in Chandler, Arizona in collaboration with CedarCrestone, an Oracle partner.
I am working on the first issue of the BUDDIE which is the Int'l magazine for Sigma Phi Gamma. It will be distributed to the membership in September. My editing experience comes from being a stringer for a local newspaper as a teenager, an editor on my high school yearbook as well as the Jr. and high school newspaper, In my career, I author educational materials. Everything in my life, has led me to this place, and the time is now!
Of course, I continue to teach the Oracle database as an independent education consultant. At the end of August I will begin a training project in Chandler, Arizona in collaboration with CedarCrestone, an Oracle partner.
July 25th, 2011...12 years of love & companionship sadly end.

If it rained where you live on Monday, July 25th...it was the tears of thousands of angels for my precious companion and beloved Border Collie, Rowdy. She chose us as her family 12 years ago when we bought our ranch property and has filled our lives with love and faithful companionship ever since.
Several weeks ago, she was diagnosed with kidney failure. She lost 10 pounds and after three weeks, I began to understand what the vet meant when she said "in about a month, I would need to make a hard decision." I decided, not to make her go through the misery that was just ahead, so on Monday, July 25th I put my best friend to sleep. She passed peacefully in our arms, with our tears falling on her. We brought her home to the ranch and buried her along her favorite ATV trail. I will not live long enough to ever find a more wonderful companion as Rowdy. She filled my life with joy and love, and my heart will forever be broken for my loss.
Several weeks ago, she was diagnosed with kidney failure. She lost 10 pounds and after three weeks, I began to understand what the vet meant when she said "in about a month, I would need to make a hard decision." I decided, not to make her go through the misery that was just ahead, so on Monday, July 25th I put my best friend to sleep. She passed peacefully in our arms, with our tears falling on her. We brought her home to the ranch and buried her along her favorite ATV trail. I will not live long enough to ever find a more wonderful companion as Rowdy. She filled my life with joy and love, and my heart will forever be broken for my loss.
July 2011 - New, Int'l Editor for Sigma Phi Gamma Sorority!

After 32 years of membership, I have stepped up into the International council for Sigma Phi Gamma. This organization has been the light of my whole adult life, and now, I am finally at a place where I can work less and dedicate more of myself to a very worthy, non-profit organization. Through friendship and service, Sigma Phi Gamma women throughout the United States and Canada contribute to both local and International charities. There are chapters in most states and many cities within those states. To all my lady friends, if you would like to know more about this wonderful organization...JUST ASK!
To all the Sigma Phi Gamma Province Editors for 2011-2012...if you drop by, please drop me a note on our blog link located in the menu bar to the top/left of this page! I'd love to hear from you!
To all the Sigma Phi Gamma Province Editors for 2011-2012...if you drop by, please drop me a note on our blog link located in the menu bar to the top/left of this page! I'd love to hear from you!
May 2011

Quick Update for May 2011- I finished my Oracle client- just before the Memorial Day holiday. It was a great project, but I will sure be glad to be HOME! Looking forward to a summer full of family and friends at the ranch!
In just a few weeks, I will become the International Editor in my organization: Sigma Phi Gamma. The next six years will be busy, working on our International Magazine, Buddie, and serving on International council!
God lifted my nephew, Doug Taylor into heaven the second week in May. His pain and burden has been relieved, and on behalf of the entire family; Thanks to the thousands of people who prayed for his well-being and safe passage to his forever 'HOME'. He was a treasure here on earth and truly a GIFT FROM GOD!
In just a few weeks, I will become the International Editor in my organization: Sigma Phi Gamma. The next six years will be busy, working on our International Magazine, Buddie, and serving on International council!
God lifted my nephew, Doug Taylor into heaven the second week in May. His pain and burden has been relieved, and on behalf of the entire family; Thanks to the thousands of people who prayed for his well-being and safe passage to his forever 'HOME'. He was a treasure here on earth and truly a GIFT FROM GOD!
March 2011 - Sigma Province Convention - Arizona

My chapter of Sigma Phi Gamma was the hostess for this year's annual convention which is heal the first week-end in March each year. This year, our theme was 'Keep It Aglow' for the friendship and community charity that we share in the organization.
Our charity monies went to the very worthy organization HPS: Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome. I have the honor of friendship with two beautiful young ladies with HPS. What they lack in perfect health...they make up for with their angelic voices. Appropriately called ' Angels in Voice', Candice and Crystal Sipes provided wonderful music to our Sunday luncheon, and they graciously accepted our check for the HPS organization. A beautiful cake was designed for our special occasion, and everyone glowed in the dark on Saturday night. As one of the chairman, it was such a pleasure putting all the pieces of this great even together with my chapter members.
Our charity monies went to the very worthy organization HPS: Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome. I have the honor of friendship with two beautiful young ladies with HPS. What they lack in perfect health...they make up for with their angelic voices. Appropriately called ' Angels in Voice', Candice and Crystal Sipes provided wonderful music to our Sunday luncheon, and they graciously accepted our check for the HPS organization. A beautiful cake was designed for our special occasion, and everyone glowed in the dark on Saturday night. As one of the chairman, it was such a pleasure putting all the pieces of this great even together with my chapter members.
February 2011 Updates

Since January I have enjoyed the beautiful mountains of Colorado with temps dipping to -20 degrees. I've traveled to Corpus Christi, Texas and San Jose, CA which were equally beautiful, but one had a rare ice storm and the other was inundated with rain. The kittens are now two weeks old. Our 'adopted' stray cat gave us five beautiful babies. We already have homes for three of the kittens. I have posted a few pictures of all the additions to our family! Hope this posting finds everyone in good health (or improving health). It sure has been a rough winter for lots of people...but...spring is in site, so hang in there! My Sorority state convention is in two weeks. Since I am one of the chairman...between work, animals and the convention...I've been a little busy! Everything is coming together for a wonderful week-end with all my charity friends.
January 2011 - On the Road Again!

I have agreed to do another teaching project for a former client, Masco. They are a great company with an outstanding team of dedicated professionals. It was an honor to work with them several years ago, and I am very pleased to have an opportunity to be part of their Oracle training project again. The last two weeks of January find me working in white-out conditions in the ski town of Silverthorne, CO. After this, all of my training locations are in mild climates. I have to admit, this is a beautiful area, and I am very lucky to have an opportunity to spend some time in this pretty town.
The puppies are all growing, and soon...they'll no longer be little bundles of fur...just sweet dogs. They all have wonderful dispositions, but they sure are glad to see me when I arrive back home! The two stray cats, aren't stray anymore. The kitten (Patches) has recovered from her spay surgery, and mom (Precious) coming running whenever she sees me. They both spend most of their time in the house, and ....knock on wood....in harmony (so far) with the dogs! Animals are amazing....if people could only learn a lesson or two from animals, we could solve most of the world's problems. Natural enemies living happily under one roof! Rescued dogs and saved starving cats! Now, everyone is healthy and happy!
My nephew, Doug Taylor, is holding his own. He had several scary hospital visits this fall, but prayers were answered and now he is home resting with his children and wife by his side. Never give up...MIRACLES do happen...I saw TWO miracles this past fall and winter!
The puppies are all growing, and soon...they'll no longer be little bundles of fur...just sweet dogs. They all have wonderful dispositions, but they sure are glad to see me when I arrive back home! The two stray cats, aren't stray anymore. The kitten (Patches) has recovered from her spay surgery, and mom (Precious) coming running whenever she sees me. They both spend most of their time in the house, and ....knock on wood....in harmony (so far) with the dogs! Animals are amazing....if people could only learn a lesson or two from animals, we could solve most of the world's problems. Natural enemies living happily under one roof! Rescued dogs and saved starving cats! Now, everyone is healthy and happy!
My nephew, Doug Taylor, is holding his own. He had several scary hospital visits this fall, but prayers were answered and now he is home resting with his children and wife by his side. Never give up...MIRACLES do happen...I saw TWO miracles this past fall and winter!
Merry Christmas 2010

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. We enjoyed the holiday with my son George and family, Michelle, Luke and Noah. They brought their three pet bunnies, so we definitely had a house-full of critters. 4 dogs, 3 rabbits, 2 cats and a turtle! Today, December 29th we are having a snow storm. Big beautiful flakes which should give us some good accumulation over the next two days. Here are just a couple pictures, as the storm begins to hit our area. I'll post more pictures as the storm continues.
Happy Thanksgiving- 2010

With Thanksgiving comes reflection on all the things that we are grateful for. What a wonderful life full of good things, great family, beautiful grandchildren, loving pets, special friends and a beautiful home. I'll share a few new pictures of our menagerie of animals. This year we will share the holiday with some dear friends in Black Canyon City, then we'll be spending time with other friends on the mountain. Blessings to all our friends and safe travels during the holiday season!
November 13- 2010

What a busy, exciting and beautiful month up here on the ranch! We adopted two rescue puppies. A stray pregnant cat showed up and we started feeding her. She has a beautiful gray and tan kitten. I built some gates in the house to control dog traffic, and built-in our back porch for the cat and her kitten. We made a blanket--lined house for her, with a heated cat bed and heat lamp. They show up every night before dark, enjoy a warm, safe environment, lots of food, toys and a warm place to sleep. The puppies are just adorable. One is now 4 months- 14 pounds (Rascal) old and the other is 8 weeks old (Sport) only 6 pounds. Rascal is already house-broken and has learned 3-4 tricks. Sport is learning, but hasn't quite figured it all out yet. Rowdy and Buddy are wonderful with the new puppies, and we have a house full of puppy love!
Our trees and bushes were brilliant with fall colors up until last night. Now, most of the leaves have fallen as everything goes to sleep until spring.
Our trees and bushes were brilliant with fall colors up until last night. Now, most of the leaves have fallen as everything goes to sleep until spring.
October 27, 2010

COMING SOON! October has been adopt a rescue puppy for us. We ended up adopted TWO puppies. The first is a 3 month old Wheaten Terrier/Border Collie mix. We named him Rascal. What a treasure he is. It only took me a couple tries to teach him the doggy door. Now, in just a couple days, he comes in and goes out freely! He has already learned some simple commands: sit, shake, and is already free-feeding with our other dogs. They steal his puppy food...so it must taste pretty good. Rascal's mom died shortly after her puppies were born, and another nursing dog helped them along until they could be weaned. Rascal has a beautiful face and personality. Our 10 month old puppy - Buddy - is exactly that, the two dogs are inseparable!
In just two more weeks, we will be getting our new baby - a Border Collie. He is only 5 weeks old, so we can't pick him up until he is 7 weeks old. He doesn't have his 'forever' name yet...the shelter calls him Blaze... I am sure within the next few weeks, we'll have something picked out! His mother was picked up a few weeks ago, wandering the street and starving....she gave birth that very night. Several of her puppies died at birth, but 4 survived. This little guy is a real doll. As I held him, he purred, almost like a cat!
In just two more weeks, we will be getting our new baby - a Border Collie. He is only 5 weeks old, so we can't pick him up until he is 7 weeks old. He doesn't have his 'forever' name yet...the shelter calls him Blaze... I am sure within the next few weeks, we'll have something picked out! His mother was picked up a few weeks ago, wandering the street and starving....she gave birth that very night. Several of her puppies died at birth, but 4 survived. This little guy is a real doll. As I held him, he purred, almost like a cat!
October 15, 2010

Hello everyone. It was a busy summer between lots of friends and family visiting the ranch and my client in Houston, Texas. We had our biggest group at the ranch, which was 12 people, and we were able to provide a bed for everyone! What a wonderful week-end that was. It was the retired officers of my charity organization- Sigma Phi Gamma. We enjoyed a three-day week-end of relaxation, memories, laughter and lots of food. As you all know...I love to cook, so everyone enjoyed home-made ice cream, breads, sweet rolls, pies, bread puddings, and Chinese food along with steaks, crab, shrimp and home-made soups.
I am looking forward to hosting another retreat next year, and expect an even larger crowd! My goal is still to have my dear friend Diana from Indiana come and visit. I hope she brings her daughters too, and even their husbands...lots of room here! I just returned from a quick trip to Omaha, NE to visit my nephew, Doug Taylor. He was desperately ill in the hospital, but through prayers and faith...he is getting better! God has certainly blessed the family, first by giving us such a wonderful person to share (Doug) and second, by helping Doug to battle leukemia in such a heroic manner. While in Nebraska, I was able to meet Fury, who is the gorgeous horse owned by Doug's daughter, Morgan. She is an amazing young woman who hopes to own a ranch someday. She already has incredible skills to train horses and animals.
I've also included some cute pictures of our granddaughters, Abbi in Tennessee and Delila in Georgia. Such adorable girls!
I am looking forward to hosting another retreat next year, and expect an even larger crowd! My goal is still to have my dear friend Diana from Indiana come and visit. I hope she brings her daughters too, and even their husbands...lots of room here! I just returned from a quick trip to Omaha, NE to visit my nephew, Doug Taylor. He was desperately ill in the hospital, but through prayers and faith...he is getting better! God has certainly blessed the family, first by giving us such a wonderful person to share (Doug) and second, by helping Doug to battle leukemia in such a heroic manner. While in Nebraska, I was able to meet Fury, who is the gorgeous horse owned by Doug's daughter, Morgan. She is an amazing young woman who hopes to own a ranch someday. She already has incredible skills to train horses and animals.
I've also included some cute pictures of our granddaughters, Abbi in Tennessee and Delila in Georgia. Such adorable girls!
August 2010 - What's New

Our summer rains came a little late this year, but how refreshing when they finally arrived. We have recorded over 5" of rain in the past month in our rain gauge. The natural trees are bright green, and the water holes which have been mostly empty for the past two years, are over-flowing their banks. Our summer vegetables are ripening now. I've been busy between a client project and canning jams and vegetables for the coming year. This year, our blackberries did well. Not enough for jam, but plenty to pick and eat off the vines. Lots and lots of tomatoes are starting to turn red, as I stay busy picking fresh beans, jalapenos, bell peppers, zucchini squash, cilantro and chives. The squirrels helped themselves to many of the sweet corn stalks this year, but we'll still have some great corn by Labor Day. The apple trees did well this year, but the pear trees took the year off...go figure!
In September, we will sponsor a ROC Retreat at the ranch to honor the leaders of Sigma Province of Sigma Phi Gamma. The leaders have spent their lives giving their talents to community service, charity fund raising and friendship. I hope that this update finds each of you enjoying your summer. Take some time to sit and enjoy your surroundings. How lucky we each are to have the opportunity to spend another wonderful day in this great country!
In September, we will sponsor a ROC Retreat at the ranch to honor the leaders of Sigma Province of Sigma Phi Gamma. The leaders have spent their lives giving their talents to community service, charity fund raising and friendship. I hope that this update finds each of you enjoying your summer. Take some time to sit and enjoy your surroundings. How lucky we each are to have the opportunity to spend another wonderful day in this great country!
RIP - Misty
It was the hardest decision I have had to make, but on June 22nd, after weeks of complications from her diabetes, EPI, and internal infection, extreme pain in her left leg and an eye that went blind very quickly...we put our beautiful little dog, Misty down. I know it was the right thing to do, but saying goodbye to a family member who protected our home, gave us eight wonderful years of faithful love, always perfect in the house, even when we were gone, she had full-run of the yard and house, and NEVER caused any problem. She will be missed, but always remembered with love. I have put a few pictures of our last hour with her in the yard before we went to the vet to put her down. We each got to kiss her, and tell her what a joy she was in our lives. She was in so much pain, her eyes were full of tears and she was unable to put any weight on her leg.
June 2010

After a cool spring, summer has finally arrived. The corn and tomatoes are growing like crazy. The park grass has turned a healthy dark green, and of course, that means the mower gets a little exercise weekly. Our dog, Misty, has stabilized with her insulin, and the new puppy is growing into a handsome young dog. Darryl continues to enjoy his job, driving for WalMart. I've been enjoying the ranch, but will be working with a couple clients this summer and fall.
A good friend, Scott, will be having surgery shortly. He is in our prayers for a successful transplant and recovery. Doug and family shared their joy of a new horse named Fury with me just last night. What a beautiful horse. Brown with white markings on his face. Morgan finally has her dream come true...a horse of her very own! Congratulations.
A good friend, Scott, will be having surgery shortly. He is in our prayers for a successful transplant and recovery. Doug and family shared their joy of a new horse named Fury with me just last night. What a beautiful horse. Brown with white markings on his face. Morgan finally has her dream come true...a horse of her very own! Congratulations.
May-2010 The Ranch Wakes Up from Winter!

What an unusual spring we had on the mountain. Just two weeks ago, we had another snow storm. The ground was already warm, so nothing stuck, but it sure was strange to see fruit trees in full bloom, and white-out conditions from a rouge storm passing through.
I am happy to report that our Border Collie, Misty, is doing better. She requires two injections of insulin a day, and enzymes to facilitate the digestion and absorption of nutrients. She has gained about 7 pounds, and is playing with our puppy Buddy.
Directly below are some photos taken in the past few days (May 2010) on the ranch. Everyday, more and more plants are opening, and with those openings, color...color...color. Within a few weeks, everything, including the roses will turn our area into a floral garden.
Click on the Sierra Verde Ranch link to the left to see many more pictures of our ranch and gardens. This year, our vegetable garden contains two types of sweet corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, collard greens, radishes, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, strawberries, chives, cantaloupe and watermelon. Our orchard will provide, peaches, pears, apples, apricots, black berries, boysenberries and grapes.
I am happy to report that our Border Collie, Misty, is doing better. She requires two injections of insulin a day, and enzymes to facilitate the digestion and absorption of nutrients. She has gained about 7 pounds, and is playing with our puppy Buddy.
Directly below are some photos taken in the past few days (May 2010) on the ranch. Everyday, more and more plants are opening, and with those openings, color...color...color. Within a few weeks, everything, including the roses will turn our area into a floral garden.
Click on the Sierra Verde Ranch link to the left to see many more pictures of our ranch and gardens. This year, our vegetable garden contains two types of sweet corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, collard greens, radishes, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, strawberries, chives, cantaloupe and watermelon. Our orchard will provide, peaches, pears, apples, apricots, black berries, boysenberries and grapes.

WHAT A SCARE WE HAD IN MARCH 2010...our dog, Misty suddenly woke up sick on a Sunday morning. After a few hours...we suspected she had been poisoned. We called the vet and got her in first thing on Monday morning. Her blood sugar was over 500! She should have died. We saw NO symptoms until she got sick on Sunday. We were in shock, and our precious little girl was fighting for her life.
It took 5 days in a veterinary hospital, but they were able to save her. She lost 7 pounds, and requires two insulin shots a day...we also got the test results back which show she has EPI, endocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. That means her pancreas is no longer producing the enzymes that digest her food and extract the nutrients...so we now have to add the digestive enzymes to her food, but I am so grateful to still have my beautiful little dog.
Update: May 2, 2010. Misty is receiving two insulin shots at 11 units each daily along with Viokase for her pancreas. She is doing MUCH better.